Mental Health Nursing

In academic writing, it's essential that you cite (state) your sources of information and ideas. To ensure readers know where you found the information you must include references.

You need to reference all the sources that you use in your assignments - by citing them in the main body of your assignment (an in-text reference) and compiling a full reference list at the end of your work.

Referencing links

A number of guides are available to help you get to grips with referencing:

Full list of referencing examples. If you can't find it in the factsheet, look here

A tutorial looking at the importance of referencing and avoiding plagiarism.

Referencing for Law - Harvard Solent

The following will help you correctly reference legal resources.

Watch the video on referencing legal sources in the Harvard Solent style

Anonymised Documents

In Text

…at NHS Trust A (2017) the procedures for discharge are clearly drawn up.

Reference List

Nursing and Midwifery Council: Code of Practice

This is how you would reference the NMC Code of Practice

Reference list

NURSING AND MIDWIFERY COUNCIL, 2018. The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates . London: Nursing and Midwifery Council [viewed 1 June 2021]. Available from:

Your in-text reference would would be:

. (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2018) or The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018).

Unpublished Sources/Internal Documents

Use this format for internal documents and policies. Some of the information you would usually put in might not be available, so you cannot include it.

In text

…aims to provide a top-class university education for all those qualified and able to benefit (Southampton Solent University 2015).

Reference list format:

AUTHOR, Year of publication. Title of document. Place of publication (if known): Publisher (if known) [viewed date if online]. Available from: URL (if known) [unpublished]

Example with place of publication and publisher (online)

SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT UNIVERSITY, 2015. Building an excellent university 2015-2020. Southampton: Southampton Solent University [viewed 29 July 2019]. Available from: [unpublished]

Example without place of publication and publisher (online)

SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT UNIVERSITY, 2015. Building an excellent university 2015-2020 [viewed 29 July 2019]. Available from: [unpublished]

Example of print document

SOUTHAMPTON SOLENT UNIVERSITY, 2015. Building an excellent university 2015-2020 [unpublished]

Referencing Hacks

This tutorial will show you some "hacks" to help make the process of producing the reference list easier. It does not touch on the tricker in-text citation process. Please note that none of the hacks is foolproof, you do still need to understand your referencing style to detect any errors. But all the hacks definitely do help


RefWorks is a tool to help you to manage your references. You can export references directly from the library catalogue, databases and even Google Scholar directly into RefWorks and format them into Harvard SSU or other style as required. There is also a tool that can grab webpages and import them into account.

If you use RefWorks it will do most of the work for you, but it will make mistakes as it can only work with the data it can see - garbage in, garbage out. Check the output before submitting your assignments.

Visit the RefWorks LibGuide for help in setting up your account

Store your references and produce accurate bibliographies! RefWorks allows you to easily get reference data from databases, websites and more. You can also add references to your assignments as you write. See our video tutorials for more help.

Watch the video on setting up a RefWorks account and adding references

This short video will demonstrate some additional tools you may wish to use