Advanced Social Psychology : The State of the Science

Social psychology uses clever, even ingenious, research methods to explore the most essential questions of the human psyche: Why do we help some people and harm others? Why do we pay so much more attention to high-powered people than they pay to us? If humans evolved from great apes, why are human selves so much more elaborate? How does our attachment to our parents when we are infants influence the success or failure of our romantic relationships when we are adults? Can behaving morally "license" us to behave immorally shortly afterward? How do social relationships make us more versus less prone toward physical illness? This volume -- an update to the original, 2010 edition -- provides a graduate-level introduction to social psychology. The target audience consists of first-year graduate students (MA or PhD) in social psychology and related disciplines (marketing, organizational behavior, etc.), although it is also appropriate for upper-level undergraduate courses. The authors are world-renowned leaders on their topic, and they have written state-of-the-art overviews of the discipline's major research domains. The chapters are not only scientifically rigorous, but also accessible and engaging. They convey the joy, excitement, and promise of scientific investigations into human sociality.

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New Developments in Research Methods

Social Cognition

Attitude Structure and Change

Social Influence

Social Neuroscience

Evolutionary Social Psychology

Close Relationships

Cultural Psychology

Health Stress and Coping

Judgment and Decision Making



Attraction and Rejection

Intergroup Relations

Prejudice Stereotyping and Discrimination

Computational Psychology

Author Index

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Об авторе (2019)

Eli J. Finkel is Professor at Northwestern University, where he holds appointments in the psychology department and the Kellogg School of Management. He earned his BA in 1997 from Northwestern and his PhD in 2001 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has published more than 140 academic papers, is a frequent contributor to the Op-Ed page of the New York Times, and is the author of the bestselling book The All-Or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work (2017). He has received several career awards, including the SAGE Young Scholars Award from the Foundation for Social and Personality Psychology, the Caryl E. Rusbult Young Investigator Award from the Relationship Researchers Interest Group of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and the Gerald R. Miller Award for Early Career Achievement from the International Association for Relational Research. He has received dozens of teaching awards and recognitions, including recognition by College Magazine as one of the Top 10 Professors at Northwestern. Roy F. Baumeister is Professor of Psychology at the University of Queensland, in Australia, as well as Professor Emeritus at Florida State. He received his PhD in social psychology from Princeton University in 1978, having worked with the great Edward E. Jones as his mentor. He has published hundreds of articles and a couple dozen books on a broad range of topics, including self and identity, interpersonal belongingness and rejection, sexuality, evil and violence, emotion, self-regulation, free will, decision making, consciousness, and the meaning of life. He has received several lifetime achievement awards, including the William James Fellow award, which is the highest honor given by the Association for Psychological Science. As of 2018, his publications have been cited in the scientific journals over 150,000 times. Writing for publication and mentoring graduate students are his favorite parts of the job.

Библиографические данные

Название Advanced Social Psychology: The State of the Science
Редакторы Eli J. Finkel , Roy F. Baumeister
Издание: 2
Издатель Oxford University Press, 2019
ISBN 0190635614, 9780190635619
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 576
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan